Kravann Caterings

Our catering service is the top choice for your event in Sihanoukville, offering customizable menus using premium ingredients with guaranteed exceptional service. Choose us to impress and satisfy your guests.

Our services

Kravann catering services offer a wide range of options for events of any size in Sihanoukville and its islands. We take pride in providing you with a remarkable catering experience that suits your individual needs. Whether it’s breakfast, brunch, lunch, dinner, or cocktail parties, we have the expertise to professionally cater to your event. Our services not only include on-land events but also on-board catering services for yachts and fishing boat trips. Additionally, we also extend our services to supplying your food and beverages for your journey so that you don’t have to worry about your supplies running low. Kravann is the ideal catering solution with a difference, and we will work with you to ensure that all your catering needs are met, making your event an unforgettable success.

Private Villa Catering
Beaches Catering
Boat Catering
Yacht Catering and Supplies
Take away meal boxes
Yacht Catering Sihanoukville
Beach catering in Sihanoukville
Take away catering service

Beaches in Sihanoukville

Serendipity Beach

Serendipity Beach is the well-visited beach where you can find cheap guesthouses alongside eateries, shops, and bars. This stretch of beach never sleeps and is a favorite among foreign tourists. This beach is next to Ochheuteal Beach. 

Ochheuteal Beach

Ochheuteal Beach is the most active beach in Sihanoukville and very popular with travelers and weekenders alike. Thatch-roofed seafood shacks and beach bars line the sand from one end of Ochheuteal to the other.

Otres Beach

Otres Beach is the next beach south of Ochheuteal and in many way resembles Ochheuteal. The road over the hill form Ochheuteal (through Queen Hill Resort) allows easy access to Otres Beach and is relatively new. Otres beach is largely undeveloped and often more secluded than the other tourist beaches of Sihanoukville.

Serenity Beach
Ochheuteal beach
Otres Beach